Yan Pritzker breaks down Bitcoin mining as a lottery system.
Read on TwitterUnder the Hood of Bitcoin Mining
This rabbit hole dives deep into the technical, economic, and philosophical aspects of how Bitcoin mining works and where it’s headed.

Created by Kaz Bycko and Zane Pocock
@btcKaz and @zanepocock
Total time
8 hours 5 minutes
0/15 completed
Yan discusses his Mining as a lottery system thesis with Stephan Livera in 2019.
Listen on Stephan LiveraNYDIG presents an all-encompassing overview of what mining is and how it works.
Read on NYDIGBitMex deconstructs the economics of mining and how the difficulty adjustment impacts mining profitability.
Read on BitMEXSteve Barbour riffs on Bitcoin’s unique security properties.
Read on TwitterMichael Saylor discusses Bitcoin as an “encrypted wall of energy” and how the Bitcoin network channels “monetary energy” across time and space.
Watch on YouTubeArman breaks down how SHA-256 works at a low level and how the difficulty adjustment impacts mining.
Read on Bitcoin MagazineMarty Bent explains Jevons Pardox, how the Bitcoin fee market works, and why transaction fees should not be of worry.
Read on TFTCHugo Nguyen revisits the original case for proof-of-work as a link between the physical realm and the digital, even before it was used in Bitcoin.
Read on MediumRory Highside takes a deep dive into the thermodynamics of proof-of-work mining and why it can function as the ultimate arbiter of truth in a system.
Read on MediumDrew Armstrong and AJ Scalia of Cathedra explore the case for why civilization should consume more energy, not less. As a productivity-enhancing technology, Bitcoin mining is a desirable use for such energy generation.
Read on Bitcoin MagazineGigi’s classic on the intricate link between time and money and how the global network of Bitcoin miners function as a distributed clock.
Read on dergigi.comBrandon Quittem chats with Robert Breedlove about the relationship between Bitcoin mining and energy, evaluating Bitcoin through an ecological lens with his “pioneer species” thesis.
Watch on YouTubeDhruv Bansal looks to the sky & calculates how Bitcoin mining could work in an interstellar civilization. He introduces the concept of a “center of hash”-the average spatial location of miners weighted by their hashrate.
Read on Unchained CapitalA consistently updated Twitter list of all the best follows in the world of Bitcoin mining.
Read on Twitter
Kaz Bycko
@btcKazHead of Mining Services, Swan Private. Cofounder of Red Dirt Mining.
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